
MPT Bar Exam Value Pack



Achieve Excellence with the MPT Bar Exam Value Pack

NCBE’s MPT Bar Exam Value Pack is the definitive digital study aid for every bar exam candidate aiming for excellence on the Multistate Performance Test (MPT). Built from authentic, previously tested MPT questions and grader point sheets, this study aid has been carefully designed to provide you with an extensive range of practice opportunities, insights, and the analytical tools needed to excel during the MPT portion of the bar exam.

Why Invest in the MPT Bar Exam Value Pack?

  • Comprehensive Coverage: The Value Pack includes all MPTs from the last six bar exam administrations alongside the MPT Practice Questions study aid, totaling 54 real MPTs. This extensive collection ensures you are well prepared to tackle a wide variety of tasks, mirroring the real exam's demands.
  • Authentic Exam Experience: Each MPT includes the file and library items and drafters’ point sheet, offering you a genuine exam experience. Practicing with authentic materials allows you to understand the exam format deeply, hone your analytical skills, and develop an effective approach to organizing and presenting your answers.
  • Interactive Online Platform: With BarNow, NCBE's innovative, mobile-friendly platform, you can type answers to the MPT items, monitor the time spent on each, and access detailed Drafters’ Point Sheets for a comprehensive analysis of the issues presented. This interactive approach enhances your learning experience, enabling you to identify areas for improvement and refine your problem-solving strategies.
  • Flexible Study Options: Recognizing the varying preferences and schedules of bar exam candidates, the MPT Bar Exam Value Pack offers the flexibility to study your way. Whether you prefer to engage with the material online or download the MPT items and point sheets for offline review, the choice is yours.
  • Wide Jurisdictional Use: Tailored for use across a broad spectrum of jurisdictions, this Value Pack is an invaluable resource for candidates in numerous states and territories. It's designed to support your preparation no matter where you plan to take the bar exam.

Length of Access: One Year

With one year of access to the MPT Bar Exam Value Pack, you have ample time to dive deep into the materials, practice extensively, and build the confidence needed to excel on the MPT.

Tailor Your Preparation for Success

The MPT section of the bar exam tests your ability to use fundamental lawyering skills in a simulated real-life legal scenario. It evaluates not just your legal knowledge, but your ability to apply it effectively and efficiently. With the MPT Bar Exam Value Pack, you're not just studying; you're preparing to demonstrate your competence and readiness to practice law.

Start Your Journey to MPT Mastery Today

Embark on your preparation journey with the confidence that comes from having the right tools at your disposal. Take the first step towards mastering the MPT and moving closer to achieving your goal of passing the bar exam.

For use in: AL, AK, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DE, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY, Guam, Palau, the District of Columbia (DC), the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Not for use in: CA, FL, LA, NV, VA, and Puerto Rico.

For more detailed information about jurisdiction requirements and to explore additional resources, please visit our jurisdictions page.

Performance on the MPT Bar Exam Value Pack is not intended to predict raw or scaled scores on the real MPT, or your actual testing experience on the real MPT. The MPT Bar Exam Value Pack is intended simply to give prospective examinees a general sense of the MPT and the types of questions that it currently contains. NCBE makes no representations and provides no assurances regarding performance on the bar exam relating to use of any NCBE study aid.

Please note: The MPT Bar Exam Value Pack study aid is a fully digital product available in the online BarNow platform.

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